Wednesday, November 26, 2008


ee lamanya tak buat apa-apa kat sini. everytime nak type, aku selalu discard. tak confident langsung nak publish blog ni. kenapa yer? admit la i got low self esteem. i tried to be brave, but i am a chickenshit. bukan nya orang kat luar tu kenal siapa buat blog ni. tapi tu lah dia. reality check in. i am a chickenshit. so what?! ahaha. funny kan.

i just wondering why people lie? it hurts, okay. you see, it's okay if you want to make some little white lies. but, lying about yourself? but why? just to impress people around you? does it make you feel good? does it make you proud of yourself? hey, come on. so let's say, i found out myself about you over the internet or whatever, how would i feel? now ask yourself what about it. and if you are in my shoe, would it hurt?

before you try to lie about anything else, you should think hard all the consequences. so i dont have to list down here :) what goes around, comes around. have a blast!!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

An introduction

November 13th, 2008

pheww. lama gila tak buat blog kat mana-mana ni. kalau dulu selalu gak menaip di kala bosan kat opis ni. tapi sejak ada hobi baru ni, dah kurang dah menaip. Blogging ni macam keje menaip untuk suka-suka aje tapi tak pernah nak publish mana-mana weblog. yang ada pon, kat myspace aje lah. tapi one of my friend ni yang suggest buat blog kat sini. so, i'll give it a try. tak salah kan kalau nak cuba sesuatu yang baru.

well, ok ok..let's cut it short. lemme introduce myself. jarjarblingblink. at first, aku nak letak jarjarbink. i got that spelling based on star wars punya movie. which part aku dah lupa. ala binatang yang ada leher panjang tu. wakakaka. cute jugak nama ni. tapi it's too cliche pulak kan. so after doing some alteration, [oh please excuse my spelling yer] i decided to put it JARJARBLINGBLINK. just because i love stars. blink blink. so that was it.

so this is my 1st published blog. i'll write later. i've got to go now. ada mission yg rasanya tak berapa hebat pon.

love, xoxo